An exciting new product has just been launched in the UK to aid people "giving up" smoking. The product is produced by Glaxo-Wellcome and is called "ZYBAN". It is supposed to be available through GPs but many will find it limited by local decisions or tied into smoking cessation clinics with a minimum attendance requirement.

If you want it now then call us. It works out less than your outlay on 20/day.

Every year thousands of people die from illnesses caused by smoking. Unfortunately, smoking related deaths are often associated with long periods of illness and suffering. Smoking is dangerous to your health and not just your health alone. Secondhand smoke or environmental tobacco smoke, the smoke that others breathe, is also harmful. The children of parents who smoke are particularly at risk, with increased risk of bronchitis and pneumonia and middle ear problems. It also causes coughing and wheezing and worsens asthma conditions.

Help is available!

Today, there is a wide selection of medicines to help you stop smoking, such as patches and gums as well as prescription medicines.


Zyban is the first nicotine free pill that can help you stop smoking. It is a prescription medicine available only from a doctor.

How it works

Zyban helps reduce your urge to smoke and can make stopping bearable. You can continue to smoke after you start taking Zyban and then, you and your doctor will decide on a date when you are going to stop, usually 8-14 days after you first dose of Zyban. When the chosen day arrives, you stop smoking and continue taking Zyban for 8 weeks.

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