Can occur at any age. It is generally a combination of genetic and hormonal factors leading to the common condition known as male pattern hairloss (MPH) or Alopecia androgenetica. In this type of hairloss, the follicles are oversensitive to the male hormone known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Two thirds of all men will eventually be affected by this type of hairloss.

Can start as early as late teens early twenties when it can be particularly distressing. Generally it is a gradual process with not so much increased shedding but progressive thinning.

There are generally three accepted treatments for this condition. They are -

1) Finasteride

2) Minoxidil

3) Hair Replacement Surgery

4) Hair loss news

Genetic hairloss effects about 7.4 million men in the UK. It usually starts at the temples and crown with a receding hair line and a bald spot. These gradually increase until they meet and leave men with the classic horseshoe appearance. Most men will reach this stage but only a few will progress to total hairloss.

As things progress the hair tends to spend less time in the growing phase (anagen) which means the hair becomes shorter and covers less of the scalp. This leads to increased shedding as the proportion of hairs in the resting (telogen) phase goes up.

As you can see we know a lot about the process and as we learn more we find more ways to help with this difficult condition. In recent years there has been a vast amount of time, money and effort spent on finding a "cure" for this common problem and there are now recognised and successful treatments available.

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